Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Springtime Surprise

Positive #6 on the first day of February felt like the first day of spring! 70 degrees and sunny in the Valley! It was wonderful eating lunch out on the Quad with my friend Maggie. We got to catch up and enjoy the weather. However, it feels like there is never enough time for that!

While I really did enjoy my day today the most positive thing about it was when I got home and checked my mail. I only check it every week or two because I never get anything besides ads and junk. Today was different though! I had a mini package in my box! It was from my mom and I was so excited! I ran back into my apartment so I could hurry and open it. She's the best! There was a very encouraging card as well as a few mini surprises. The best would have to be the tiny Vaseline lip therapy. I love using Vaseline on my lips and now I can take it everywhere with me!... And okay, okay, you got me... the $20 put a smile on my face as well. :) Thanks Momma. I'm gonna treat myself. Maybe explore a new restaurant and when you come and visit I can take you there! I love you very much. (And not just from the gifts - your encouraging words, endless support, and mountains of prayers are really what get me through the day sometime.)

See y'all tomorrow for positive number 7!

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