Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just another terrific Tuesday!

Positive #5. Today was Tuesday. Tuesday's can be rough because I start work at 8AM, have 5 hours of class in there, a meeting or two, and then end work at 9PM. It's a looong day to be on campus. However, today the weather was soooo beautiful! Clear blue skies, shining sun, warm breeze, temperature in the mid 60s. I'm even okay with spending most of the day indoors because when I walked outside a little bit the amount of students hanging out on the Quad was just fun to see on the last day of January.

I couldn't really think of one particular positive thing that happened today so I'll list a few.
- Last night my mom wrote on my Facebook!
- This morning I got an email from a past supervisor and it helped me start my day on the right foot.
- In counseling class I was okay with discussing some of my "issues" openly. It felt good to be honest.
- FREE pizza at my evening meeting!!
- And to top off positive day #5 with five positive things... I have two summer internship interviews scheduled for the next week.

Keep on keepin' on everyone! Looking forward to a great Wednesday!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Turtles in Hburg

Positive #4. So today I learned that positives aren't just going to jump out at me. Sometimes a day is just a day. I spent the work day at BRCC and then went grocery shopping afterwards. Nothing too exciting. My legs are a little stiff from all the walking in DC plus a few blisters on my feet so it could be considered a positive that I am laying on the couch watching The Bachelor right now. However, I would have done this any other Monday. What makes this Monday special? I'll tell you... I bought myself a box of Valentine's Day turtle chocolates while I was grocery shopping! The mix of caramel, chocolate, and salty pecans is definitely a positive! If there aren't any turtles crawling around your front porch you might just have to go find them yourself! And let me tell you something... totally worth it!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Stew Sale

Positive #3 - Today was a rough morning because I was so tired from my adventures in DC the day before. Like I said in my last post, the positivism from that day is going to get me through the whole week! However, when I mixed up my Mass times this morning it was still a little frustrating. Everything worked out though because at the evening Mass they were selling quarts of New Brunswick stew. The proceeds were going to an Alternative Spring Break fundraiser. They had a deal if you bought 3 of them and for the sake of positive day number 3 - I did! I popped one in the freezer to save, some is heating up right now as I type this, and my third one I decided I didn't really need so I brought it down the little old lady who lives below me. We chatted a second as I dropped it off and I could tell she was very happy and surprised I thought of her. (I'll have to do something for the little old man next door to her now.) I didn't really know what was in it or if she could eat it but her family comes to visit about once a week. Maybe she could serve it to them. It's the thought that counts right? It sure felt good to do a random act of kindness and if the stew tastes anything like it smells - it'll sure feel good to eat it!!

That's all for today! Hope y'all had splendid weekends too!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

DC Daytrip

Positive # 2. I am about 2 hours away from Washington, DC - the nation's capitol! A wonderful thing is happening there today too. Two of my good friends from NKY are living there. You can read about my first experience visiting Emily from earlier in the year in the blog. Well, since then my friend Kevin lives there now too! Double the fun!.... BUT WAIT! It gets better! Another friend and sorority sister, Shauna, is traveling the country for Kappa Delta and happened to be close by this weekend as well as has a Saturday afternoon/night free!! Like I said before, I'm only 2 hours away so heading up to the city to see all of them at the same time is the most marvelous way to spend a Saturday. I am beyond excited! If I can't think of a positive for tomorrow, I'm happy enough that this one can count twice I think!!

Here I come District of Columbia - thank you for providing the perfect meeting place for me and my friends.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter Blues, Blahs, and Ah-hahs

I haven't posted in awhile... it's been hard because I haven't felt like myself. I LOVED being home for winter break and it's been hard getting back into a routine. I didn't want to post and sound unhappy but that is kinda the truth. I am still so grateful for the opportunity to be at JMU and now at Blue Ridge Community College where I am doing my practicum. And yes, I am learning lots! However, the newness has worn off and I feel like I could be challenged more at work. Maybe I'm homesick. Maybe I need a new purpose. - that is my theory for the blues anyway. My mom is convinced that it is wintry cold, dark, dreary weather. It's hard to believe that when two days this week every outdoor picnic table was full at lunch time because it was 60 and sunny!

Regardless of the reason, I haven't been myself and it makes me sad. Being the problem solver that I am I am going to try to fix this mess I'm in. I'm going to get out of my slump by finding one positive thing everyday and holding onto it. YAY!! Fake it til you make it, right?!

So here it goes - starting my New Year's Resolution a little late but in my efforts to have "one positive a day keep the grad school blues away" I'll begin with number one.

1. Today I met with one of my academic mentee's for the first time. (I'm in a program that mentors student who didn't perform very high in their first semester. The mentee's volunteer to participate.) Anyway, she seems really into it and wants to try really hard to do better. We got along great! I think after this semester I might have a new friend too. My other two mentees are male and I haven't met with them yet but today's Friday lunch meeting with my mentee was awesome!

More to come - I heard this blog was being underutilized so get ready... some utilization is about to occur!