Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Balloons, Benjamin, and Budding Opportunity

Keeping it short and brief because someone (Benjamin Romito) says that he doesn't have time to read my paragraphs and paragraphs.

Positives for Tuesday: Balloons - I found out on Monday we handed out 200 balloons on campus which was my goal for the entire week! It was pretty amazing! We had to buy more balloons. Hopefully they sparked some attention. I also had a late night positive for Tuesday as well. Ben Skyped me and we got to talk for a long time. It was amazing getting to spend time with my brother. He cracks me up. I also forget all that we have shared growing up together. If anyone gets me in this world - it's him. He knows almost everything I have been through and so much of the back story (that happens when you are raised together). I couldn't be more proud of the man that he is.

As for my positive today... Ms. Hannah Springelmeyer has some budding opportunities and I am also so proud of her! Hannah is David's sister and not only will awesome things be happening for her this summer and next fall but she will begin her role as a resident assistant at NKU next week!! Of course I absolutely love the idea of her sharing in my world of student affairs. I know she will be so happy and it will be a wonderful growing and learning experience for her as well. I call it a budding opportunity because this positive can lead to so much more. I'm so happy to be kept up to date and involved in it!

I also got a lovely email with an easy recipe from my past supervisor, Julie. It made my afternoon! I can't wait to make the recipe and let her know how it goes! (Haha, watch it be a huge disaster!!)

And in case anyone has forgotten... in 2 days I'll be home. I can't be anything but happy when I'm so close to being where I belong. (Ha, so much for my short and sweet post! I guess I just have lots to say - if you don't like it - don't read it!)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Operation: Beautiful

Last night kicked off National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. I spent Sunday evening on campus preparing. We have a display board where people can write positive messages about themselves or their friends and share the struggles of living in a society obsessed with thinness. After setting that up I met some other students and we chalked positive messages all over campus. It was a late Sunday night of work.

Monday morning began early as I headed off to the rental shop to pick up a helium tank. That was an adventure in itself!! We needed a helium tank because we have a goal of blowing up and handing out 200 balloons with positive messages on them. The balloons are gold and purple and have phrases similar to Operation: Beautiful post-it notes written on them. I wasn't able to be on campus today to see how it went because I was at BRCC leading my first few advising appointments (which was also exciting!). The idea is to start a movement of awareness and happiness across campus through these balloons.

Anyway, on to my positive. The positive for today is that I am gaining some very valuable experience at JMU and BRCC. I'm very lucky I have hands on practice to fall back on. When I am stuck in a tight spot, yes, it is very good to have knowledge and theory to back you up, but sometimes, you just have to make a decision and go for it. National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and my first few advising sessions were exactly like that - jumping in head first! Hoping I come out alive... or at least have some time to relax over Spring Break which is in 4 days!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

America's Next Food Network Star

My positive on a cold windy day in the Valley has to do with my oven. On my "Leap List" (the list of things I want to do before I make the next big change in my life) is to learn how to cook - at least the basics. I want to have something I can bake, whip up as an appetizer, a drink I can mix, a casserole that everyone likes, a handful of crock pot meals, and a few basic chicken meals. It would be nice to be able to chop up and prepare some side dishes as well. Living on my own has helped with all this. So has Pinterest! 

Today I baked a chocolate chip scone. The first bite was yummy. The second bite was uncooked. So back into the oven went the scone. It came out and in and out and in the oven for the next 15 minutes or so. I just couldn't be patient and let it bake! Then I sat on my hands and let it bake until.... the smoke alarm went off. The top of the scone was just beginning to become golden brown and delicious while the bottom was burning into dark black soot! Ugh! I opened my front and back door to air out the apartment and let the windy day solve my smokey problems. I still had the scone to deal with which I also came to the rescue with. I took a knife and cut off the burnt bottoms so the rest of the warm fluffy chocolate-y scone was saved!

I took a short baking break to go wine tasting and shopping (other great Saturday activities!) and came back home to try my hand at dinner. Wondering what was on the menu? Hasselback potatoes. They look very yummy and are only supposed to take 40 minutes to bake. 120 minutes later I gave up waiting for a crispy outside and soft mashed potato-y inside and just ate it! It tasted good but wasn't quiet what I expected. I'm going to do some more research on what I could do differently next time.

While my Saturday was good all around (I even got some homework done!) I still have a lot to learn about cooking. It won't happen overnight though. Every mistake I make is a mistake I won't repeat. But really, Mom, can't you send me some fool proof recipes? You know, the basics? Two fails in one day is a lot to handle! At least it was all still edible in the end so it's just my ego that is hurt and I'm not still hungry! 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today, Feb 24, David will be 24 for 24 more days.

The title today doesn't mean too much besides the fact that it is pretty cool. AND I still have no idea what to get David for his birthday!!!

A few nice things happened today. I actually had a really good all in all day. Being Friday helps with that usually. After a great day at BRCC I went out to dinner with some friends. Got sushi in Harrisonburg! It was good and I'll probably go back but.... it still wasn't like half price at home! I came home and cleaned. Cleaned. Cleaned. My mom would have been disgusted if she had seen my apartment the way it was! I don't even know how it got that way!

As I was cleaning I could hear the wind blowing pretty hard against my siding and could practically feel the temperature dropping. It sure made me be thankful for a place to live. I am so blessed to have all this space to myself! Space that I can mess up, clean up, live in, laugh in, cry in, cook in... Even though my refrigerator makes that annoying noise - I have one! I'm just feeling very appreciative of the amenities I have. Positive for today: Not forgetting that I truly am one of the lucky ones.

If you are reading this - you are probably one of the lucky ones too.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In rain or shine or sleet or hail...

I don't think there will ever be a world without the mail! I think somewhere in that poem there is a line about the mail never failing (or was that the Blue's Clues song?) anyway - I think what they mean is that the mail never fails to make someone's day. I know that bills can come in the mail and they can be upsetting but when you have a hand picked hand written card for you in there it just can't be that bad! I don't know about all of you but I love getting mail. I always have. I remember a loooong time ago talking about it with my aunt and uncle and weeks later my uncle sent me a letter - just because he knew it would make me happy.

Again, this is why I think there will always be mail in the world. There can be so much meaning behind it. This week has been filled with positives for me and lots of them relate to the US Postal Service!! First, I got the card from my dad, then the little treat from Maria, and today I got my icing on the cake!

The University of Pikeville (where I'll be interning this summer) sent me a package full of goodies!! I am ready to be decked out in black and orange again! Bringing it back high school style! It was like Christmas sitting on the living room floor pulling out, holding up, laughing, folding, and stacking all of the gifts! I wish someone was here to capture my reaction. I could have really sent my future office an amusing thank you then! It really was thrilling to get and I was overwhelmed by their love and generosity. Thank you to my future UPike family! (I think this is the 3rd time they have made the positive of the day... if that tells you anything about them :)

So my positive today was receiving a package in the mail but for you to make someone else's day (or week!) extra positive consider sending them a little something. It doesn't have to be much... Hallmark makes cards for $.99 or the dollar store sometimes has cards 2 for $1! Then of course set yourself up with a stamp and you have one of the most selfless cheerful acts on a graduate student's budget! I hope I've inspired you to send someone a smile sometime soon. (That someone will remember... how long ago was it that my uncle sent me a letter for no reason? Probably since before I could drive. If you are looking for a way to make a difference - give the mail a try! Maybe someone will return the favor? :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Highs and Lows

So I haven't posted since last Friday and it is already Wednesday! I've learned some things in that short time and that is what I am going to talk about here... The first thing I learned was that positives would be nothing without their counterpart - negatives. That is right folks. I write a blog where I focus on one positive for every day and here I am telling you that negatives are important!! Well they are! They help you have the ability to pick out the highs of your day and leaving the lows where they belong... down low!

Just to play a little catch up here are some of my positives for the past few days...

On Saturday I went to see The Vow with a girl friend from CSPA. I was so happy she called and we went spur of the moment! It was great to take a break from homework and get out of the house. Thanks for inviting me Taylor and I hope we do more things like that. Next time I want to paint some pottery!

This weekend I developed a pretty nasty cold so Sunday was spent trying to rest and get better. I wasn't able to bake all of the yummy treats I wanted to because I had no energy!

Monday... hmm.... I don't really remember Monday that much... Ah yes, but in the evening I met with Maggie and Marcus, my collaborative group for a class. I brought Chili's To Go with me and wore my new TOMS that David got me. Look - I just blocked everything else about Monday out except the positives!

Tuesday was not my favorite day of the week this week. That was for sure! I spent 14 hours on campus and I was ready to be home! I checked my mail walking into the apartment and noticed a card from my mom, at least I thought it was from her. After I opened it up I learned it was from my dad. It didn't say anything too special - just some chit chat but it meant so much after a hard day. Thanks Daddy! (You do know it made me cry right? That's a given.) I ended up making Skyline 3-ways to celebrate Fat Tuesday and feel like I was home. Didn't quiet do the trick but I'll be home soon enough!

And today, Wednesday, just when I thought I was going to have to pull myself up by my boot straps and fight through to find some thing good I got some more positives sent my way! Maria, David's sister, sent me a little belated Valentine's Day treat! It was just what I needed to remember that no matter where I am, and even if I am having hard times, I have people who love me. Thanks Ria.

Today is also Ash Wednesday. In the past I have given up extra salt and pepper, ice cream, sweets, etc. This year I decided that since I am away from home my days would be way too sad without my usual ice cream fix so I am trying something new. I am trying to set aside time every day for prayer. It's easy to say prayers when you need them but I want to be able to talk with God everyday for no reason at all besides the fact that I have a relationship with him. So I'm going to work on starting a new prayer habit. If you have any advice for what works for you let me know. I just feel like my life is too busy not to take time to pray.

I think I am all caught up now! And remember, every negative has a positive and every low has a high.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Writing References

So today is FRIDAY! I am still so excited that Shauna is here (I'm driving her back to the airport tonight though.) and that I got to hang out with the CSPA candidates. I also am excited because my cohort is getting together with a professor from last semester for dinner tonight. It'll be nice to relax and chat and catch him up on everything we have been doing and to hear about his semester without us! Lastly, and call me a dork if you want, I am excited to sleep in tomorrow and then begin to do non-stop homework and laundry the rest of the weekend. I will just feel so much better once it is finished!

But my positive for today is.... I had a student ask if I would write them a reference letter. I was really happy to at first and then I panicked! This was the first reference letter I have ever written. (Although I do hope it leads into many many more.) However, I couldn't just take a template and switch it around. I really felt like to do her justice I needed to be honest, provide examples, make it applicable... and overall, I am very happy with how it turned out. She is an excellent student to work with so that helps :) It'll get signed, sealed, and delivered early next week but it is my positive today because I just finished writing it. I feel accomplished! Who would have thought I would be able to pay it forward so soon? So today's positive is in honor of all those who have ever written letters of recommendation or acted as a reference for me. I really appreciate it! Here's to you!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friends in Low Places

Low places... you know... the Valley.. where I live?!

Positive for today: Shauna is here!!! I am so excited!! She got to see some of campus (and more tomorrow), meet my friends, eat some yummy Hburg local food and fro-yo, see my apartment, you know - the stuff you do with friends! It is really nice sharing this part of my life with her. She is interviewing for a couple of graduate programs and one of them is the CSPA program at JMU! I hope everyone keeps her in your prayers. I know it would be soooo nice to have a familiar face in town with me (and share Skyline and Graeter's cravings with!) but I want the best for Shauna so I'm putting this in the Lord's hands as well. Hey - it worked with my summer internship!

I feel like I am being a poor host though. With the other candidates I was always so worried about them but with Shauna I just wanna hang out and drink a Woodchuck and lay around and chit chat. Tracy Skyped us a little bit and wished Shauna good luck but we are getting tired and tomorrow is a big day!... what a nice thought that I get to share a bed (which I just got a great deal on new sheets from TJMaxx!) with my ex-roomie from what seems so long ago! (It really wasn't that long either! Time sure does fly by.)

I don't think this post really embodies how I am feeling that I have someone around who makes me feel like home is nearby. I was getting pretty homesick and just playing it off nicely but now I have the encouragement to make it to spring break when I'll be at my old Kentucky home...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ring Ring... Hello?

Today what made my day so positive was a few phone conversations I got to have. I don't get to catch up with people at home as often as I would like to but today, somehow, I fit a bunch of chatting in!

- I talked to David's sister, Maria, on the phone today. We had some good laughs and some serious talks too. I can't wait to see her when I am home for break! It's nice knowing that anytime for anything we can talk. We are so similar in lots of ways but most importantly it is nice having someone that shares my morals and values. She gets me.

- I also got to talk to my little brother, Ben, today too! He is growing up way too fast for me! Every time we talk he has a new adventure/project that he is working on. He'll be on spring break too when I am home but I don't know how much I'll see him. Dexter is over for us so.... what is there for us to do? :)

- Near the end of my day while I was grocery shopping I got to talk to my friend, Jason. He had me cracking up in the store! I went to the store with 5 things on my list and left $80 poorer! I just bought stuff and food and it added up! (It was more than 5 things though.) Anyway, I told Jason I think my weekend will be pretty calm so I might try to bake something and then bring the snacks into class to which his response was, "Man, I wish there were more loner girls in my classes!" I thought that was quiet humorous. Thanks for putting up with me, J!

- And last but not least, I ended my night with some Skype time with David. We didn't get to talk much last night so it was nice to relax and talk and joke around. (I love Skype because I feel like we are together, but then I realize we aren't and it's sad.) We discussed events happening in March because that is what I am really looking forward to right now! We also talked about his job some. You know, the daily chatty stuff. Then we watched two episodes of The New Girl together. It was hilarious!! I laughed so hard at one part I started coughing and choking and had to get a throat lozenge. Afterwards we played "Would you rather..." so I could get some ideas for his birthday gift.  It was fun. However, when I asked, "Would you rather talk to me or go to sleep?" and I go no response I knew it was time to say good night.

So to you all, "Would you rather live your life getting through the days or live your life looking forward to the next positive thing that makes you smile?"

I think we all know my answer!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed the day with your loved ones by at least letting them know how you feel. V-day to me isn't about roses, chocolates, hugs, kisses, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, lovey dovey kind of stuff. It's a lot more about the people you care about in general. It is a holiday that anyone can celebrate! My hope for you is that you did :)

As for a positive today - I'll keep this short and sweet. I don't have to do counseling taping tomorrow morning so I'm going into work instead. Doesn't sound too positive does it? Well, since I'll be in the office tomorrow morning I didn't have to stay late tonight! Positive!! I made a romantic dinner for one of Skyline 3-ways, watched The Bachelor from last night, and drank a wine cooler. Nice relaxing evening!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Smiles For Days!!

I was a slacker this weekend... only a blog slacker though! I actually had a super productive weekend with lots of positives in it! I took some CSPA candidates on a tour of JMU - my first tour to other people! I attended a retreat at the Catholic Campus Ministry house and enjoyed some fellowship, food, and faith building discussions.  I went back the next day for a meeting and enjoyed more prayer then as well. I hung out with another awesome CSPA candidate who stayed with me on Friday night. Saturday after my meeting I went antique shopping and purchased a KY Derby glass from the year I was born! Saturday night I went out for Maggie's birthday and met her family that was in from out of town! I loved meeting those Southerners! The weekend ended with lots of studying on Sunday and dinner out with more CSPA candidates. Whew! Well that is a brief run down of what I did for the weekend and there were lots of positives in there but now I think I've messed up my count!

That's fine with me though, as the title says, I'm gonna be smiling for days after the wonderful Monday I've had!! I'm gonna list out enough positives in one post for the whole week!!! (Of course, I'll still try to post though :)

1. The morning started at Blue Ridge Community College with my friend, ex-roomie, and ex-co-worker, Leah, sending me a quick email. It was hilarious!! It was a complete inside joke from back when we lived together but I lost it. Right there in the office I was laughing so hard! Just cracking up! I was so happy from my laughter that I emailed her and said "This is my positive for today. Nothing could beat that!" I may have spoke too soon but Leah - you should did start my day off right!!

2. At 12:00 PM today, NODA internship sites (schools I've been interviewing at) were permitted call and offer positions as part of the summer job search process. 12:01 PM hit and I got nervous. With one eye on my phone and one eye on my computer I saw the clock strike 12:03 PM and my phone rang!!! It was a call from the University of Pikeville in eastern Kentucky offering me a summer orientation internship for May and June!!! I hardly let her speak before I blurted out, "Yes! I would love to accept!!" I was thrilled!! We both just kept saying how happy we were!! And of course there was lots of laughter. You can actually read part of my interview with them here. It just feels so good knowing that the connection I felt with them during the interview they felt with me too! I have so much to look forward to this semester but knowing I'm going to be at UPike this summer makes it even harder to be patient! It is a very small school and I already almost feel like I am a part of it! I'm adding people on Facebook and they are writing on my wall! I'm in love with them!! Ah, smiles for days!!

3. After I called David and Dad (who I started crying with I talked with him) I got back to work. I didn't want to put anything on Facebook until I could talk to Mom on the phone. I talked to her on my way home and drove up to a package at my doorstep. I couldn't quiet figure out what it was or why it was there. I had already gotten a Valentine's Day card from home (Thank you Gigliotti's) so I didn't expect a package too. I hadn't ordered anything recently. There were pictures of children all over the outside so I thought a church charity I donated to really went all out with their thank you's! I got inside my apartment and was able to get a good look at the label. David. That sneaky Valentine's Day trickster! He sent me a gift!! I wasn't expecting anything at all! We've never really even celebrated it before. He had ordered me a pair of TOM's shoes and mailed them to me with a letter. A very sweet hand written letter. And new shoes!! I was just tickled. I sent him picture messages of my new shoes in the kitchen, in the living room, on my feet, etc! What a special surprise. Thank you David!

4. My student's had a program tonight and it went very well. They did a great job which just kept up my spirits. Afterwards I met with Maggie and Marcus to work on a group project which also went well. I actually might have had a little fun doing it too. I kept trying to chat while everyone was trying to work! Maggie did a good job putting up with me though. Here is what really just made my night as I was on Facebook in the library being distracted. My mother made her first Facebook status update!! What's my mom's mind you ask? Let me show you!

I am so proud!! And was so honored that I was enough to push her over the edge and write a status update! She doesn't even have a profile picture but the woman can write a status!! I just loved it!! Can't wait to see her and the rest of my family over spring break.

5. Lastly, I am participating in a prayer project for CCM and the things we were meeting on last Saturday. I offered my Mass for that intention on Sunday and tonight I'm beginning my first set of specific prayers. It's made me refocus some of my spiritual life and I think God was trying to teach me a lesson. Well, God, I think I figured it out. I usually worry, worry, worry. With my summer internship, I kept trying, over and over, to give my worries to God. And I did! I had let it go. I knew what I wanted but I wasn't praying for that - I was praying for the Lord's will to be my will. After I got my call from UPike today I just had the feeling that God was smiling at me saying "Listen, Emily, I am taking care of you. Don't worry so much. I already have it all figured out for you." It's just a thought I am preparing to ponder as I close for the night.

I hope all of you have found a reason in your day to smile. There is always a reason to smile. As for me, I'll be smiling for days!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Might as well rename the blog "David"

I don't know how it happened but it did... I am about to post two days in a row where David has a direct impact on my positive for the day! The title of this post seems like I'm unhappy about this but really... I am so lucky I have him encouraging me. We may be miles and miles apart but we are still going through this crazy thing called life together. Anyway, onto positive number 14!!

Starting from the beginning, this summer we were at a wedding and on top of the cupcakes were little tin stackable rings. They were thin and shiny and had a slight design on them. Well, as a joke I started wearing one... but then it grew on me! I loved it! I had a free and beautiful ring. It also reminded me of all the happy times we have shared. For Christmas this year, David gave me a similar ring except it is a real piece of jewelry and not cheap bendable metal. It is beautiful!! Sadly, it came in a few days after Christmas and I had already came back to Virginia. David brought it when he came to visit later in January and it started to feel like the series of unfortunate events... the ring was too small. Tried as I might I couldn't get it on my finger. (I wear it on the middle finger of my left hand.) So shipped off to be resized it went!

I hope you can see where I am getting with all this.... positive number 14 is that I was able to pick up my ring today and wear it!! It is lovely silver with two tiny rows of diamonds and other engraved etched designs. Very similar to my old one but a real piece of jewelry with diamonds and sparkle and sturdiness!! And it is on my finger!! I am so happy!!! Thank you David! I love it! (Somehow he was able to have his Christmas gift to me count as a Valentine's Day gift as well. Lucky guy!!)

In other news, I have a candidate for the JMU CSPA program staying with me at my apartment tonight. I forgot how much I like the company of having someone to talk to. She has been so much fun. If I could take her energy and sell it - I'd make millions! We went out to a late dinner with the rest of the cohort and other candidates. That was also fun. Tomorrow during their interviews I'm signed up for a tour shift which is a little funny because sometimes I still feel lost on campus! I love the Quad though so I can't go wrong showing that off! It's so hard to believe that last year at this time I was interviewing for graduate school positions! So crazy to think how time moves us along, ready or not, here life comes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

As promised..

Positive #13 is a special message that David reminded me of a few days ago. I've been having a difficult time lately with my summer internship interviews. I feel a lot of pressure to get hired but I also feel lots of stress everywhere in my life where do I have time to prepare and do well on the interviews?! I was telling this all to David when he reminded me that I need to pray about it because God is in control. Then I said something along the lines of for God to be able to help me do well I need to prepare well myself first. I have a responsibility in this too. David's response, "Don't question the way God does things. He forgives you for your sins so accept that and feel good about His graces. You need to let it be simply that God loves you and wants to help always." It was a beautiful reminder that I don't deserve it, not one bit, but God loves me through that and still will help the best thing for me happen to me. So I'm trusting in his plan... I would ask everyone to pray that certain administrators at a certain school are moved to hire me but that doesn't fit in well with my new attempt at trying to let go and let God... Therefore, let me rephrase that, I would love prayers to be said for me to be at peace with this process and to continue trying to be the best interviewer (and student) that I know how to be. AMEN!

A few other good things happened today and I felt the need to list them here.
- I got 4 HUGE chicken tenders and 2 servings of potato wedges at Walmart today for $3.75. That is two meals for under $2!!
- I spoke with 2 of the 3 candidates who will be staying with me this weekend. It should be very fun!! However, I'm accepting donations of sheets and bath towels because we all remember what happened to my new apartment bath towels... I still cringe when I see the fuzzies pop up unexpectedly...
- I went to a program tonight. There were about 50 people there. It was on Societal Gender Norms. I was the only white person in the room. It was a little uncomfortable at first but I broke the ice by cheering when the speaker said he got his Master's in College Student Personnel in Louisville, KY. I also joined in on some of the discussion. I ended up being very happy I went even though it meant being on campus later than planned.

Tomorrow's a long day but I'll try to squeeze in a post!! I've been doing good so far!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Almost forgot!

I almost forgot to post today! Luckily I remembered right before bed so I'm not slacking. I actually have a really good positive for the day today too!!

Positive #12 is that I got an A on a counseling tape! For those of you that know me, you know I've explained how one of my counseling classes works. We video tape ourselves in a tiny little room where one person is the counselor and the other is the client. Then we finished up, switch partners, and do it again. Then in class we watch the tapes and receive feedback. At first I was more nervous about being the client and having things to talk about (which hasn't been hard at all! I've just talked about all my issues that I didn't realize I had!) but after doing it a few times - it is really hard to be a counselor! There is so much to listen to, think about, metaphors to create, head nods, facial expressions, posture, tone of voice, and on and on!! It is draining! Last week, after taping, I felt pretty good about the session I had. It was very encouraging to see that I felt good about the right thing and I had earned a high grade. Yay!!

However, on the other side of things... I still am not completely confident I know how to do the same thing over again. It is really hard work, maybe I just got lucky? I am keeping an open mind and attitude and I'll just try my best when we tape again tomorrow!

I've been doing very well coming up with a positive for each day but tomorrow (unless something really amazing happens) I'm going to reserve for something David told me the other day that I keep meaning to write down. It'll still be a positive but I'm back tracking a little bit because it's been on my mind so much lately. Until then!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday means....

....The Bachelor is on!!!

Monday's I spend at Blue Ridge Community College and compared to the rest of my week it's a lot of time all in one place. That wears me out! After work today I met a student at Panera which was fun too. However, I can't help looking forward to the moment when I can lay on the couch and get lost in Bachelor world!! Guilty pleasure equals my positive for the day!! I don't know what else to say about it :)  I'm relaxing watching it right now as I am doing some research on schools that I am interviewing with this week. (So the work doesn't completely end.)

Also, here is a little disclaimer from my last post.... For some reason I thought that when I was on Spring Break NKU was also on Spring Break... which they are, but faculty and staff aren't!! Duh, Emily!! SOooo.. Another fun thing to look forward to is catch up with all my NKU loves!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Combo Weekend

It's a two for one combo weekend as far as positives go! I'm combining positives 9 and 10 in one post. One for Saturday, one for Sunday, and you my favorite reader - only have to read one post.

Positive #9 isn't glamorous or exciting but it definitely qualifies as a positive! I got to sleep in! I ended up sleeping for 12 hours! Whew, I must have needed it. So after sleeping in I got ready, got take out from McDonald's (because I had a great coupon!), and headed to the library to get some reading done. It was a successful visit with another girl from my cohort. She ended up coming to Saturday night mass with me and it was nice having someone to sit next to. A good day full of chit-chat, studying, and prayer.

As for positive #10, Sunday I also got to sleep in but I also got to Skype my bff from home, Tracy. She is in a program in Illinois and both of us are applying for summer internships right now. It was so good catching up with her. Distance sucks but Skype is amazing!! Later tonight I'm going to make myself some Superbowl food goodies, turn the game on in the background, and try to catch up on homework again. Some of my friends are hanging out tonight but since I'll be hosting some CSPA candidates visiting JMU later this week I want to try to catch up so I can be a good hostess.

As I am counting up with positives, I'm also counting down until spring break. 27 more days!! It can't come soon enough. I'm really looking forward to seeing my adorable cousins, celebrating David's birthday, and visiting his sister's new house. But until then, I'll take it day by day and focus on the positives. Thanks for sticking through it with me :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

So who are you really?

Positive #8 for today is the phone interview I had the morning. I talked to the nicest liveliest funnest people today! I have a phone interview scheduled every few days to try to find a summer internship. Well, I don't think any of them are going to get any better than the one this morning! I was IN LOVE! I would really really love to work there but if I don't get hired I hope that I end up being the type of professionals they are one day. I'm going to try to make a stressful nerve-racking situation the best it can be! Here is the conversation specifically that made my day so great:

VP for Student Services: Now Emily, you just told us about yourself and it all had to do with work and school stuff. That's great. I liked hearing that but now answer the question - who are you really?
Me: Silent (trying to figure out who I am!! :)
VP: If you could please tell me who you are and what you like to do in your down time. I find it hard to believe you read up on first year seminar courses in your free time. I have three questions for you. What do you like to do? Where did you attend high school? And, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Me: (unable to contain any emotion) OHMIGOSH! How did you know!? I have to talk about ice cream. You might regret asking that question! I loooove ice cream. I worked at an ice cream shop for almost 3 years. I don't know if you've heard of Graeter's?
The whole committee: Uh, yes! So good! Jealous!
Me: Well, when I was working there I had a goal to like everything we sold and before I quit I liked every flavor, but at different times. I even have a book made explaining what ice cream I can match with my feelings. I really love it.
VP: Tell me this then, (in all seriousness) is there a difference between Graeter's and UDF?
Me: Oh yes! Huge difference! I'm kinda an ice cream snob but I love it so much I can pick out good in it all. I like both brands for different reasons. I certainly don't discriminate!
VP: Well, we have something in common! I really like ice cream too.

Now, anyone who knows me knows I didn't stop smiling the rest of the interview. I have two more interviews next week with other institutions. I hope you all will take the time to say a quick prayer that I will be offered a job and at the institution that is the best fit for me. I'm nervous and I'm trying not to put too much faith in ice cream. But ya know - that is hard. Ice cream has always solved all my problems... in fact, I'm going to go get some right now....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Girls Night In

The title says it all... positive #7 was girls night in!! I was so looking forward to tonight all week! It certainly didn't disappoint! I love the women in my cohort. It almost reminded me of having days with my past roommates where we would just talk and laugh until the middle of the night. Haha, except now we all get tired by 10 and wanna go to bed! It was great talking with them about personal, professional, and everything in between kind of things. They are really great inspiring women and it is wonderful to have them in my life as my support system at JMU.

Speaking of inspiring women... my friend, Shauna, who I was so lucky to see in DC last weekend is coming to stay with me later this month!! Awesome!!

AND - today, I got an email from David's sister, Maria, which meant a lot to me. We are going to try to be email pen pals but that is hard to keep up with so we'll see how it goes!

PLUS - my sneaky sneaky mother! Out of a folder (you know like a school supply folder) that I moved here with FOREVER ago popped a Pampered Chef little brown square kitchen sink scraper. I have been dying for one of these and here it comes hidden out of no where?!

My oh my, I am surrounded by beautiful wonderful women, near and far. I love you all!! Thank you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Springtime Surprise

Positive #6 on the first day of February felt like the first day of spring! 70 degrees and sunny in the Valley! It was wonderful eating lunch out on the Quad with my friend Maggie. We got to catch up and enjoy the weather. However, it feels like there is never enough time for that!

While I really did enjoy my day today the most positive thing about it was when I got home and checked my mail. I only check it every week or two because I never get anything besides ads and junk. Today was different though! I had a mini package in my box! It was from my mom and I was so excited! I ran back into my apartment so I could hurry and open it. She's the best! There was a very encouraging card as well as a few mini surprises. The best would have to be the tiny Vaseline lip therapy. I love using Vaseline on my lips and now I can take it everywhere with me!... And okay, okay, you got me... the $20 put a smile on my face as well. :) Thanks Momma. I'm gonna treat myself. Maybe explore a new restaurant and when you come and visit I can take you there! I love you very much. (And not just from the gifts - your encouraging words, endless support, and mountains of prayers are really what get me through the day sometime.)

See y'all tomorrow for positive number 7!