Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pikeville Pride

I know it's been awhile since I blogged but I have been meaning to for quiet awhile if that is any consolation! I'm nearing the end of my third week at the University of Pikeville. The first week I did really well getting adjusted and figuring this place out. I met a lot of new people and remembered a ton of new names. This first weekend when no one was around was a little difficult but it was easy to bounce right out of my lonely slump because SOAR training started! This is the week that I met the students I would be supervising, got to know them, hang out, learn about UPIKE, and stay very busy! I feel like I have known all of them way longer than a week so far!

In between the end of training and Program 1 beginning I was able to come home for Memorial Day weekend. David and I grilled an amazing dinner one night! We both claimed it to be incomparable to anything we've ever grilled before. We also joined in with his parents and friends for a summer beer tasting. The weekend ended with the Gigliotti's getting back from vacation so I was able to see the little girls. The morning I made my way back to Pikeville my mom baked a cheese danish. It felt like a holiday having everyone together and such yummy food. I'm really looking forward to having my parents and brother come down to visit me here. I don't have many favorite places yet but I plan to give them the highlights! (That is a great future blog idea - the highlights of Pikeville.)

Program 1 happened on Tuesday/Wednesday and Program 2 begins Friday and ends on Saturday. I was really happy with how everything went! In fact, I kept my nerves and anxiety in check and handled everything very well I think! I love the excitement and fear and energy all mixed into a new crazy emotion that comes with starting college. It's contagious! I love what we do and what we offer. And I just so happen to think one or two lucky folks are affected by in. In fact, I heard a student say today that he changed during college. Imagine that!

Some things I am newly addicted to:
1) Falling into speaking with an Eastern KY accent. I wouldn't care to talk like that all the time :)
2) Vanilla-tangerine swirl cones from Dairy Cheer. Real life creamsicle!
3) Sundy Best - a KY country band that is amazing! I waiting to buy a tshirt and CD. Like them on FB.
4) Parks and Recreation. Reliving all the seasons? Why, yes, I do think that is a wonderful idea!
5) Watching this YouTube video that perfectly explains the people I am spending my time with this summer. Watch it here!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wedding Weekend

My aunt, Monica, got married this weekend! It was amazing! Just a completely awesome ceremony as well as reception. Everything was phenomenal! I happen to live with both the matron of honor (my aunt, Maria) and a bridesmaid (my mom) so I got lots of the inside scoop! I remember back in December looking at the wedding to-do list thinking it could never all be done in a short amount of time. Well, it was done and done perfectly I might add. I had a blast and absolutely cherished being surrounded by love this weekend. Love comes with weddings but I felt it go deeper than that. Being surrounded by my extended family after being away for awhile was just a little bit sweeter.

I'm so fortunate to have been able to have a week off before starting my internship at the University of Pikeville so I could celebrate this occasion. Tonight is my last night in NKY before I head out to UPike in the morning. I've spent some time reflecting and because the wedding is so much so on my mind one thing keeps coming back to me. In a speech that was made at the reception a message my grandpa said to my parents when they got married was passed down. "Love is willing the good of the other." I began to think about the areas that I could apply this in my life now, even though I'm not married. Then, as corny as it sounds, I checked my Facebook and had a handful of comments from various people in my life and it clicked.

I can try to will the good of others in all aspects of my life. Can you ever have enough love in your life? Can you ever run out of love to give? I just felt so fortunate to have support from all areas of the country and aspects of my life. I'm not just going to Pikeville to be an intern. I am going there to love - to love what I am doing and who I am doing it with. I feel so fortunate to have already connected with some members of the UPike staff that I know care about me. As well as to have a family support system, a Norse network, and a JMU cohort who all support me as well.

I guess my point is, yes, it is very sad to leave home. It's hard to be separated from people you are connected deeply to but in the end I am opening myself up to the possibility of doubling the love and connection I already have. Just like with Monica and Brad's wedding - as Monica's niece I was able to experience her love and happiness but now as she is connected to Brad (and his family!) I am also able to benefit from his love and happiness as well. It is like a spreading chain reaction. Hopefully I can bring back all the love and experience from Pikeville to better those I already have connections with. In the same fashion I hope to leave lots of love at UPike as well.

With all my love (how fitting!),

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Go Baby Go!

Friday I rushed home from Virginia (not an easy task when you have 7 hours to go!) listening to the new Rascal Flatts CD on repeat. I'm working on memorizing their songs to I can sing at the top of my lungs when they come to Cinci in July. After all that driving, I unpacked, got ready, picked up Tracy (who was in town for one day before moving to Florida for her summer internship), and went to an NKU party. I got to see lots of dear friends and mentors if only for a short time. Then I headed off on my drive to Louisville for the Kentucky Derby! I had been looking forward to this for the last few weeks of school. It was the perfect way to kick off my summer back in the Bluegrass!!

Since then I've been doing lots of sleeping, playing with my adorable cousins, spending quality time with David, and seeing lots of friends here and there. I feel like I am on vacation right now and then next week it's back to work.... except I'll be at the University of Pikeville. A new adventure!! I'm a mixture of nervous excitement but it's not too overwhelming because I still have a wedding at home to think about for the time being. My aunt is getting married this weekend and it is sure to be a wonderful time. (After we finished with the little details such as ribbon tying. But I am still looking forward to helping out because I've missed so much of the planning when I was away.)

So GO BABY GO is the motto for the next few weeks. It's getting me through this week at home trying to fit everything in. It's getting me through my summer internship trying to learn and give as much as I can. And it'll be getting me through July trying to keep a balance of productivity and relaxation!

GO BABY GO and look forward to some more posts from UPike!!