Monday, April 30, 2012

The Beginning of the End...

of the week, that is!

However, today does mark the beginning of my last week in Harrisonburg for the summer. I have a paper to proofread, an exam to take, and a whole lot of packing to do before I can leave. It's a bittersweet feeling being finished with my first year of grad school. What an accomplishment! I'm going to miss all of my CSPA friends so so much but I am looking forward to seeing some of my loves from all over the country at the KY Derby this weekend! And the weekend after that I'll get lots of family time at my aunt Monica's wedding.

And I'm don't have a catchy phrase for after that but I'll be beginning my summer internship at the University of Pikeville! Remember so long ago when I posted about it? Well it is finally almost here! I bought a shadow box on sale this past weekend that I am looking forward to filling with UPike memories!

Lots of changes with lots of quick turnaround usually means lots of stress for Emily - and I have been stressed but I'm getting through.. hope to see all of you who follow back home very soon! Keep me in your prayers.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April is half way over! {discoveries}

April is half way over! This means I am so close to May and May means my semester is over! It's been a crazy journey. In one of my classes we talked about being chefs of our own recipes which to me is kinda like being a guide of my own journey. Which reminds me of a piece of artwork I purchased when my mom was in Hburg visiting!!! We had an amazing time!! Hi Mom. Love you. Thanks for being a mom (first) and a best friend (second) but mostly, thanks for being there.

The artwork I purchased is from a local artist named Terri St. Cloud. You can check out more of her work at The painting feels like a perfect description of my experience thus far. (I'm sure the blog doesn't even come close to comparing!) My picture is a water painting with this poem written on it:

there was no leader.
they explored together.
asking nothing
from each other
but honesty,
they discovered
they discovered
they discovered

This represents my experience at JMU, in my program, with my cohort; at home, with my parents, my family, and David. I'm so happy to have had the opportunity to go after my dreams - to discover who I am meant to be.