Thursday, March 29, 2012

3rd post in March

Sometimes it sucks to point out the obvious but a reality check is good for productivity every once in awhile! This is only my 3rd blog post in March. Wow! Slacker! I also have really slacked on my Lenten practice of prayer and journaling every night as well. My mom even gave me a great meditation book to read which I enjoyed the first two chapters but just fell off the bandwagon. Maybe more like I was pushed by the pressures of grad school...

My mom is coming to visit over Easter weekend and a few days before and after. I am really excited and was able to take time off work to spend with her. Unfortunately, I have a couple pretty big projects due this month and I am freaking out about getting them done before she gets here. I want to be able to enjoy myself but to do that I am going to have to push myself and get my assignments finished. April really is going to fly by if I keep being as busy as I have been.

Thinking of things I've slacked on.... I've slacked on a few relationships as well. Like my friend Leah, who I wanted to come visit this semester and now it seems like my weekends are all filled up! (Maybe next semester for a football game?) I also am eager to hear about her trip to Boston a week or so ago but just haven't had the time to call or email! Also, my younger brother... I think he might be in West Virginia this weekend but regardless, when was the last time I talked to him!? Ben, when we do chat I have a great movie you should watch about mountain climbing.

Here's a thank you shout out to my friends who understand and post surprising encouraging posts on my Facebook wall every so often! Thank you! I guess I have to be a little selfish right now so I can finish the semester strong and steady and enjoy my summer (after my internship is over) off to relax and catch up on the social fun parts of life!!

Lastly, two positives for the week.... drum roll please.....

1) My very good friend Jason will soon be a homeowner!! He bought a house!! Congrats Jason and welcome to the world of suburbia! Can't wait to decorate and cause a ruckus!
2) A good friend in Virginia was hired for a job after a long and tedious job search!! He completely deserves it! Congrats Craig! You are the perfect fit for the position too!

Until April.... (maybe I'll have my mom post something in here free time while she is here).

Monday, March 12, 2012

Still going positively strong

Well, spring break was fantastic - that is a given!! But my time in Harrisonburg is starting off pretty nicely as well.

For my first Monday back to reality in Virginia I have three positives -

1) I went through my first treatment of laser hair removal! After a difficult road to recovery I am hopefully on the final leg of the journey! (Haha, get it? Leg?)

2) I had another cooking escapade! My past supervisor and dear friend, Julie, sent me an easy recipe. (Which I welcome everyone to do!!) It was very easy... except I was cooking rice for about 90 minutes. It's it supposed to take like 90 seconds? Haha after the end result though - delicious! It was so good! The whole time I ate it I just wanted to talk about how good of a job I did... except I was the only one here. (Who am I kidding? I still talked about it.) Anyway, thanks Julie!

3) The Bachelor and The Bachelor After the Final Rose is on tonight and it was so much fun to watch. I got to see J.P. which was soooo nice! (I can say that because he reminds me so much of David.) I don't know what I'm going to do on Monday's now that my guilty pleasure is ending.... When does the Bachelor Pad start?!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's beginning to feel like Christmas!!

I do feel like it's Christmas Eve!! I get to head home tomorrow for my first visit back since the holidays. I am so giddy and excited. I can barely contain it! I am ready to see my family, friends, and breathe the sweet air of my old Kentucky home. Not that Virginia doesn't have things that make it special but I am sure ready for some close loving from all the good people at home. (For example, the Catholic church I attend here has lots of events and services planned during Lent but a fish fry is not one of them! No fish fry!?... See, some things I just really do need to go home for!)

Here are some of the things I plan to do while I'm home, if you would like to be included in the list let me know!

- Fish Fry Friday at St. Joseph Academy (Walton) and St. Paul
- Movie and cuddle time with my long lost boyfriend
- Day trip to Lexington to get some good food, UK apparel, and visit a distillery
- Love on, play with, tickle, hug, hold, etc. my little girl cousins - Claire and Sarah
- Dinner out at Moerlein Lager House (a work project David has been involved with)
- Dinner out at Jeff Ruby's Precinct to celebrate David's birthday (and our belated 3 year anniversary)
- Lunch with the NKU crew
- Church with my family
- Visit/tour of Maria and Anthony's new house
- Party at the Raap's?!?
- Bro/sis time
- Hopefully I can fit in a lunch at Skyline and dessert at Graeter's

Wow - Sounds like so much to fit in. I CAN'T WAIT to make it all happen! So if the positive for today wasn't obvious enough for you then you don't deserve to know.

I am on Spring Break y'all!!