Thursday, February 23, 2012

In rain or shine or sleet or hail...

I don't think there will ever be a world without the mail! I think somewhere in that poem there is a line about the mail never failing (or was that the Blue's Clues song?) anyway - I think what they mean is that the mail never fails to make someone's day. I know that bills can come in the mail and they can be upsetting but when you have a hand picked hand written card for you in there it just can't be that bad! I don't know about all of you but I love getting mail. I always have. I remember a loooong time ago talking about it with my aunt and uncle and weeks later my uncle sent me a letter - just because he knew it would make me happy.

Again, this is why I think there will always be mail in the world. There can be so much meaning behind it. This week has been filled with positives for me and lots of them relate to the US Postal Service!! First, I got the card from my dad, then the little treat from Maria, and today I got my icing on the cake!

The University of Pikeville (where I'll be interning this summer) sent me a package full of goodies!! I am ready to be decked out in black and orange again! Bringing it back high school style! It was like Christmas sitting on the living room floor pulling out, holding up, laughing, folding, and stacking all of the gifts! I wish someone was here to capture my reaction. I could have really sent my future office an amusing thank you then! It really was thrilling to get and I was overwhelmed by their love and generosity. Thank you to my future UPike family! (I think this is the 3rd time they have made the positive of the day... if that tells you anything about them :)

So my positive today was receiving a package in the mail but for you to make someone else's day (or week!) extra positive consider sending them a little something. It doesn't have to be much... Hallmark makes cards for $.99 or the dollar store sometimes has cards 2 for $1! Then of course set yourself up with a stamp and you have one of the most selfless cheerful acts on a graduate student's budget! I hope I've inspired you to send someone a smile sometime soon. (That someone will remember... how long ago was it that my uncle sent me a letter for no reason? Probably since before I could drive. If you are looking for a way to make a difference - give the mail a try! Maybe someone will return the favor? :)

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