Monday, September 10, 2012

Nice Rack!

So I have a few serious thoughts to get out of the way and then I’ll give y’all the grand single life update. I know you are dying to know what (or who!) has been occupying my time lately. I don’t know if I’m on my second or third life revelation (the first was that wearing make up makes you look prettier) but who’s keeping count anyway so I’m just gonna go with it. My newest revelation is that first, relationships ending suck. That’s a given. But the reasons why are the real sad parts. I lost someone who used to be my best friend. Someone who I relied on and who relied on me. Someone who became my superhero on really bad days and my biggest cheerleader on really good days. This someone turns into a void, practically nonexistent in all of the everyday moments. Oh sure, I still think of him, but who I am thinking of is not the same person anymore. This brings me to the main point of my discovery. The person who I love only exists in the past. He only lives on in the memories I’ve gathered up and stored in a shoebox. My job for the future is to heal and grow. I am changing my perspective on life and striving to be the best me that I can be. I can’t say what his job is or if he is changing or not. It’s not my business to know any of that but what I do know is: the person he is today and who he has become since he left my life is a stranger. I refuse to let myself think that is a sad fact. I am looking at that as a comfort. I was lucky enough to have a really happy thing at one point but now, I can’t feel that way about someone I don’t even know.

Alright, now all of that is out of the way… Or if you’re one of those people that avoid anything emotional and sappy at all costs, this will be the first part of the post you actually comprehend. I don’t want to say that being single is so terrible but I also don’t want to say it is so amazing either. It just is. Like me, I just am. And I’ll tell ya what, I am pretty darn happy. I feel fantastic about what I have to offer the world! I posted something similar on Facebook this week and my wonderful supervisor from this summer said, “You should feel like that every day!” I thought about it for awhile and I do feel like that every day I just hadn’t found a way to articulate it.

Even though I may feel incredible about myself, the guys in Harrisonburg sure aren’t picking up on that! (Or maybe they are just too intimidated. Guys, that’s a real fear right?) My roommate, Shauna, takes the cake for award winning texting conversations this post. Here’s a snippet from last weekend:

Guy: Hey, what’s good?
Shauna: Who is this?
Guy: We met at a party.*
(insert more awkward small talk)
Guy: What’s happenin tonight?
Shauna: Having some friends over for dinner.
Guy: Call me tomorrow.

*First, we didn’t meet this idiot at a party. We met him at a bar – a public venue on a Saturday night 15 days ago! How strange to contact her now! Although, we gave him the benefit of the doubt because Shauna (who is much better at not giving away all of her personal information when exchanging phone numbers) saved her number in his phone as GO CARDS! so it was understandable he couldn’t get in touch with her even if he wanted to. Then again, he doesn’t sound like he wanted to that badly. Call me tomorrow? Ugh. I can’t even talk about this level of stupidity anymore.

This week, I went to a kickboxing class with my friend Maggie. It was an amazing workout and I really felt like I kicked some serious butt! (I woke up the next day feeling like I’d been hit by a truck but that’s another story…) As soon as I saw her I couldn’t hold in my good news any longer. “I met a guy today!” I burst out. Without missing a beat she says, “Is he a student?” There wasn’t really any way around that one... I just had to go with the truth. Yes. Yes, he is a student. So therefore… No. No , I didn’t really meet a guy today I just reviewed his resume.

Overall, I’d say the highlight of the last two weeks has been taking out the trash and noticing a wine rack near the dumpster. Right away I walked skipped back to the apartment to get Shauna and show her my great find. She approved! We carried it back to the apartment where I washed it down and cleaned it up. The next step in my I-must-be-mature-if-I-have-a-wine-rack experience is to sand all the nasty spots where it looks like a poorly trained puppy was allowed to use it for a chew toy. Otherwise, it is in really great condition! Eventually, I’m going to paint it and then here comes the best part - stock it with wine... or vodka. Okay, both. Cheers to a wine/vodka rack! The newest addition to 334C!

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