Monday, September 24, 2012

My First Time

First, let me point out that you can now follow the blog by email. Over here to the right!

I made the 7 hour journey from the Burg to the Bluegrass this weekend. This time instead of me and a Nicholas Sparks book on CD I had Shauna with me for company! The purpose of the trip was so she could find a new car and we could stop sharing mine – a worthy goal for sure! The beginning of a long drive is always the easiest. You are singing and talking and snacking. We were having no problems at all! In fact, I was telling her a hilarious/embarrassing/gross/entertaining story that we were cracking up over. Then we both saw it at the same time – black SUV parked on the side of the highway, lights on top, pulling out right as I drive by. I look at my speedometer and the dreadful feeling of “Oh shit.” washes over me. I was going way too fast. I don’t know how my foot got so heavy or when I turned cruise control off but here was the moment of truth. I’m gradually slowing down and the SUV is steadily getting closer to my tail. I think he was close enough to read every bumper sticker before he turned his lights on. And there it was folks – my first time being pulled over.

The officer was friendly enough and had an adorable West Virginia accent. I wish I could recreate it in writing for you. He was curious as to where we were going and where we were coming from. I think I acted calm and friendly but really I was shaking like a leaf! He asked if I knew why I was pulled over and I gave him a big ole “Yes sir,” and I’m sure I threw a smile in there too. I knew exactly why I was being pulled over but I didn’t want to let him know I knew how fast I was going, even if it was purely by accident! After he looked up my information and came back with his little pink pad of paper I had a brief flash of fear about getting my license suspended. He asked why I was in such a hurry and if I knew how fast I was going? I hit him with the truth and told him I wasn’t in a hurry and I don’t even know how I got going that fast! He said it was easy to do but going that fast won’t get me home at all (meaning it will get me killed I think). He had me sign off on the little pink slip but made sure I knew it wasn’t a ticket, just a warning. He didn’t want to ruin my weekend! I looked up at him, so grateful, and said, “This is my first time ever being pulled over. I don’t know if you want to take that as a good or bad thing.” He replied, “Oh ma’am, it’s a very good thing. Now ya’ll be safe.” I wanted to tell him that I didn’t like his pen very much but I didn’t want to push my luck so I just told Shauna.

As we entered the WV Turnpike we passed each other a few more times. I couldn’t help but smile remembering my first time, not because I got away without a ticket but because it was just the lesson I needed to take my driving safety up a notch. This man could have just saved my life! (I also signed a no texting while driving pledge this weekend too. Thanks dad!) Yes, I just turned getting pulled over into a positive meaningful event!

Another quick thing I wanted to add in this post was some of my thoughts on “home.” I wasn’t really looking forward to making the trip back to KY. I felt like so much of my life, work, and friends were all in Harrisonburg. Yes, I love Kentucky so much, and I love my family and friends there but I almost feel more settled in the Valley now. I spent all last year missing and wishing I was at home spending time in my relationship. I don’t have that to go back to anymore and it’s a weird feeling but it is so fulfilling to know I am creating my own home, my own happiness. How crazy is it to think y’all that at this time next year I could very well be setting up shop in a new home, new state, new school?! That used to really freak me out but ya know, I’m okay with it now. I think know I can handle it.

1 comment:

  1. you are such a lucky bum. in all aspects of this blog! but I can't believe I didn't know you were home!
