Friday, November 16, 2012

When possible, make a U-turn...

I can’t tell you the exact number of times I have driven from KY to VA or VA to KY. It’s been quite a few. If we average about once a month for a school year, a couple times over the summer, and the three times this semester it is probably close to 20 times (40 if you don’t count round trips). I don’t really know that for sure but I can tell you something that has happened every drive. First, every time I pass by the small family air field with three small one or two seat planes I say a prayer. Sometimes I smile, sometimes I cry but I always remember and I thank God for the life I have. Second, at some point in the drive I revel in my independence. I love the feeling of being alone and thinking and knowing I am in control of my journey. I get a travel high belting a song along with the radio, rolling the windows down, and feeling like I am flying through those mountains. I wish I could capture that feeling and use it other times. It’s the feeling that tells me I am unstoppable. I can do anything in this world that I want to. I am brave and beautiful and capable. For feeling so high and mighty, things don’t go exactly as I plan on these trips. Often there is traffic, annoying drivers, lots of construction, but I can’t help any of those things. What I can help is the navigation. I’m in charge! And I often get lost.

There are many ways to get from point A to point B and I have a habit of trying them out. It’s just something that happens to me. I get so lost. Today, while I was a bit turned around in Ohio trying to get back into Kentucky I thought about “being lost” and what that really means. It could be an annoying detour. Or the negative connotation that comes with being directionally challenged. If you are a little kid (or even an adult) it can be terrifying. I wasn’t feeling any of those things though. I was perfectly at peace just trying to figure things out. It’s all about perspective.

According to me, lostness is an opportunity. It is a gift to have time to discover, explore, learn, create whatever you want. When you have no one else to rely on but yourself, you just have to figure it out. There are no other options. It’s all up to you to ask the questions and to answer them. If you were never lost you could never be found. What an amazing feeling it is when you are the one who does the losing and the finding. You don’t have to worry about the individual pieces; I think all of those come together on their own. Just look towards the future, imagine what it takes to be found, and start. Do it, right now! Maybe you need to take a deep breath in there or yell out a “WTF” as you make another U-turn but you can get through. You can do it. You are lost!! How wonderful!!!

Another thing I realized about myself on this drive is that I am starting to mellow out. Dude, I can be so chill. I like being this way! Why don’t I do it more? That might take a bit more reflection…

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