Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Christmas Eve

So during this Christmas break home I should be working on job applications and my portfolio for graduation. I have a feeling I am going to have to schedule a weekly chunk of time next semester to get those things finished because I have done literally nothing so far. But that is because I have been having waaaaaayyy too much fun!!

I have been trying to go attend a Sundy Best show since I fell in love with them this summer. They regularly play in Lexington, KY but occasionally travel to other places. It seems like fate has been keeping from them for all these months but the stars aligned last week. Tracy and I were able to drive the short although windy and snowy hour long stretch to meet up with some friends and attend the show. I think it is safe to say that last Thursday was the absolute best Thursday I experienced in 2012. Gosh, was I a very happy girl! I sang at the top of my lungs, danced my way to the front of the stage, and smiled non-stop. My excitement level was through the roof and Sundy Best did not disappoint. I have linked some of my favorite songs right here for you to enjoy as well!

Something else I have been doing is enjoying romantic Hallmark Christmas movies. No matter the time of day we can turn one on and people in our house get hooked… even though every plot is pretty much identical. I think over Thanksgiving break I made a wish so I could get some secret Santa Christmas magic in my life. (A quick disclaimer: I know having a man is not the most important thing in my life but if I am in the Hallmark spirit I just go along with it.) If I had some secret magic this is what would happen and my life would be like a Hallmark movie: First, I would meet a nice and good looking guy in a cute clever way. Perhaps even arguing about something or thinking he is giving me dirty looks and hates me for no reason. Next, we would run into each other again and be fairly surprised at how much we enjoy each other’s company. At some point he will reference a charitable act and my heart will melt. I am super impressed when he opens car doors for me and holds my hand as we cross the street. We share dessert (major points in my book!) and sit on the same side of the booth to watch other people karaoke. (In a real Hallmark movie someone would probably karaoke and be incredible at it, but since this is my story and I wouldn’t be incredible I am leaving that part out.) Afterwards as we walk along a beautiful path of Christmas lights twinkling and toy train displays a view of the gorgeous Cincinnati skyline appears, seemingly out of nowhere. As we are enjoying the scenery some reindeer wander out and begin grazing near us. (In my story it really should just be deer because reindeer do not live near me but reindeer are so much more magical!) The next step of a Hallmark movie is snow falling without anyone being cold and of course a kiss under the stars is soon to follow.

Maybe I know the Hallmark movie formula a little too well or maybe I am really caught up in the Christmas spirit or maybe I just had a really good first date? Wishing all of my friends, family, and followers  a very happy holiday hoping that it is spent with those you love. When you are happy with the gifts you have the magic is already there. I love you all. Merry Christmas!

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