Tuesday, January 1, 2013

NYE vs Prom

So last night was New Year’s Eve. It is one of the biggest built up holidays. Everyone is always scrambling to find plans for when the clock strikes midnight and the ball in New York City drops. And then what? What changes? It’s kind of always been a let down in my book. Then again, I spent the past three New Year’s Eve’s in a relationship where I was able to have a kiss (where no one died J) and start the year off looking forward to our journey together and that was pretty nice. You know what else is nice? Having a prom date. You plan out your evening to perfection. Rent a limo, buy flowers, have dinner reservations, match your outfits, dance together, take pictures… and it is freaking exhausting!! All that work just to feel special with one person. I had a lot of dates to dances and it always felt so important. My senior year I decided I was going to prom alone. Just me. I wore a super sexy dress, grabbed a ride with another couple, took pictures with more friends than I realized I had, danced until I was sweaty and sore, and had one of the happiest most care free nights of my life. Why didn’t I decided to go dateless sooner?!

Last night I wondered if New Year’s Eve is like that. When the pressure to have a good time with the right person is gone that is when you can really enjoy it. I went to a family friend’s party this year that I opted not to go to the past few years (I had other plans, remember). And let me tell you, I think this was one of the best New Year Eve’s I’ve ever had!! There was no cover charge, amazing live music by Troy Brooks (Check out his website here) and Kassie Jordan (Her website is here.) [Both are amazing! You know how I love local talent and rising stars. Obviously, I have both their CDs.], very good food provided by Brooks Meats (yum!!), an open bar, dancing, raffle prizes every couple of minutes (ranging from $1 to $100 and candy bowls to a trip to Gatlinburg), and lots of very loving and caring friends and families. I got to kiss the two people who care about me most in the world, my parents, as well as shoot them both with silly string. It does not get any better than that. Oh, but it does! My brother and I were singing duets as he played the guitar before I left for the party and my favorite song to have fun with is Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show. My dad requested the song from the band at the party and I was able to dance and sing in front of everyone. The anonymous request became pretty darn obvious as to who it was for. I was on cloud nine clapping to the beat and rocking along. As midnight approached, Kassie led us in a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. I’ve never had a more moving and thankful-to-be-alive-right-here-right-now-in-this-country kind of moment than I did when the rest of the room joined in and we brought in the new year together. At that moment the ball became so much less important than our blessings.

I’ve never been one to have much of a negative attitude and even if some sad things happened in 2012 it wasn’t a bad year. In fact, I am grateful to have been able to be witness to so many amazing memories and learning experiences. I have no doubt that 2013 will rock me, like a wagon wheel, the wind and the rain, a southbound train, oh, I can’t wait for it to rock me. Bring it on, new year! Wishing all of you the positivity to tackle whatever God has planned for you in 2013 with grace, laugher, and love.

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