Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Modern Chaos

Over winter break I was able to spend some time in our national capitol doing some pretty wonderful things with my family. One of our short trips in between events was to the National Gallery of Art. I was mesmerized by some of the displays they had. My parents wanted to focus on the classics from a long time ago – you know the famous Monet paintings or Michelangelo sculptures. But when I walked into the modern and contemporary art gallery I had a sense of energy and inspiration. I felt connected to the art. I couldn’t stop staring. I wanted to run my fingers along the paintings so badly! They called to me. (My family did their fair share of calling to try to get me to leave too!) 

My family on the super cool walkway after putting up with me for so long.
My brother looked at something next to me and said, “That looks like something a 2 year old could do.” And really, he had a point, it was a bunch of colored paint splattered on a canvas. But I came to the defense of the artist and said in response, “I’d like to see you try to do it.” When it comes to recreating art, I just think it is impossible. That piece of art is a design, a concept, a creation, internalized, felt, and made by the artist. Even the artist probably couldn’t recreate it. It’s a little bit like life. You can’t recreate your life but you can keep going and create it. It’s never too late to design something beautiful. Everyone has their own type of chaos they are living with. To me, modern art is a way to express that chaos and see the beauty in it.

I can't even imagine how this was accomplished. So much paint!
This is chaos.

I hope to do something like this next time I paint pottery!
It’s common to think of chaos as a negative thing. But it all depends on your perspective. This world was created out of chaos (depending on which school of thought you believe, but still, you get my point). If I didn’t have chaos in my life I think I would be bored! Just like the lines, shapes, and colors of the art gave me energy the differences, challenges, people, and moments of life give me energy as well. There is power in that energy. Power to reach goals and accomplishments. Power to make a difference, make a change. There is also the leeway to make meaning however you want to interpret modern art. It’s not just how the artist envisioned it but the involvement of the viewer adds a new dimension. As we all know, from many previous blog posts, I am making meaning out of my life every day. I am so thankful to the artists who inspired me while on my trip to DC and even more thankful to be able to share my thoughts will all of you.

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